Thursday 4 August 2011


At school we have been teaching our students to stop and focus for three minutes a lesson as part of 'Mindfulness' training. 

They have to concentrate on an object or picture for a minute and try not to let their minds wander. After a minute they 'switch' and close their eyes and concentrate on relaxing more with each breath. For the last minute they think about things they are grateful or thankful for. This process helps built the brain and self control and boy have I seen a difference in some of my classes over the last fortnight! It is also calming me during busy days.

So as part of my mindfulness training I thought I'd let the universe know some of the things I'm thankful for this week:
  • A breakthrough with my Year 9 class - we had three prac lessons this week!

  • On Tuesday I got to take an Ag lesson. I got to stand in the beautiful sun for an hour, have a guided tour of the Ag farm and meet some motivated year 9 I also had a breakthrough with one student from my science class. Not only did he behave for the whole lesson, he took it upon himself to call me over and teach me how to guide the steers. It wasn't until later that I realised the enormity of the gesture.

  • This week I have had the opportunity to work with other staff members and students while I have been filling in for our HT. I now realise how much I missed having different roles in the school.
And of course I'm thankful to have my beautiful family!

What are you thankful for this week?

Justine xox