Friday 16 December 2011

A Growing Concern

Yes I'm still here! I know I've been missing for a while but there is a very good reason I promise!

Just after my last post JR & I found out we were pregnant.

Very exciting and scary at the same time! My pregnancy started off with a lot of pain and an ectopic pregnancy was suspected but after an ultrasound at 6 weeks we were given the all OK and just had to hope & pray we'd make it through the first trimester. I was lucky not to have too much morning sickness and have managed to keep well for most of my pregnancy so far. I'm now nearly 19 weeks pregnant and starting to show!

Work has been busy & adding a pregnancy to the end of year preparations has meant that I'm tired and not getting as much done as I used to. In three days time I will be officially on holidays so I can sleep & crochet & sleep & sew & sleep & knit & sleep some more!

I'm looking forward to decorating the nursery in January & having time to finish my baby blanket & various other projects I have planned for bub. As a first time mum its a bit hard to know what I'll need and whether my baby will fit into the little beanies & booties I've already made! Do you have any suggestions?

Justine xox