Friday 16 December 2011

A Growing Concern

Yes I'm still here! I know I've been missing for a while but there is a very good reason I promise!

Just after my last post JR & I found out we were pregnant.

Very exciting and scary at the same time! My pregnancy started off with a lot of pain and an ectopic pregnancy was suspected but after an ultrasound at 6 weeks we were given the all OK and just had to hope & pray we'd make it through the first trimester. I was lucky not to have too much morning sickness and have managed to keep well for most of my pregnancy so far. I'm now nearly 19 weeks pregnant and starting to show!

Work has been busy & adding a pregnancy to the end of year preparations has meant that I'm tired and not getting as much done as I used to. In three days time I will be officially on holidays so I can sleep & crochet & sleep & sew & sleep & knit & sleep some more!

I'm looking forward to decorating the nursery in January & having time to finish my baby blanket & various other projects I have planned for bub. As a first time mum its a bit hard to know what I'll need and whether my baby will fit into the little beanies & booties I've already made! Do you have any suggestions?

Justine xox

Friday 9 September 2011

A busy month

Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I often wonder how my friends with children manage to work full time and still get everything done!

Somethings get forgotten when life gets busy & this month my blogging was forgotten between ...

  • Getting the sewing machine out again

  • Finishing my Queen Anne's Lace scarf

  • Completing a pile of marking
  • Playing with Roxy

  • Learning to use my new favourite app - Instagram

  • Going to the farmers markets every Thursday after school to get affordable bananas and beautiful local produce

  • finishing our Wraps with Love project at school. We made 4 blankets for charity with with 25cmx25cm squares knitted by our students & staff. I'm now busy working out easy crochet patterns to teach as the weather gets warmer.

Until next time ...

Justine xox

Thursday 4 August 2011


At school we have been teaching our students to stop and focus for three minutes a lesson as part of 'Mindfulness' training. 

They have to concentrate on an object or picture for a minute and try not to let their minds wander. After a minute they 'switch' and close their eyes and concentrate on relaxing more with each breath. For the last minute they think about things they are grateful or thankful for. This process helps built the brain and self control and boy have I seen a difference in some of my classes over the last fortnight! It is also calming me during busy days.

So as part of my mindfulness training I thought I'd let the universe know some of the things I'm thankful for this week:
  • A breakthrough with my Year 9 class - we had three prac lessons this week!

  • On Tuesday I got to take an Ag lesson. I got to stand in the beautiful sun for an hour, have a guided tour of the Ag farm and meet some motivated year 9 I also had a breakthrough with one student from my science class. Not only did he behave for the whole lesson, he took it upon himself to call me over and teach me how to guide the steers. It wasn't until later that I realised the enormity of the gesture.

  • This week I have had the opportunity to work with other staff members and students while I have been filling in for our HT. I now realise how much I missed having different roles in the school.
And of course I'm thankful to have my beautiful family!

What are you thankful for this week?

Justine xox

Sunday 10 July 2011

Catch up...

Over the last month or so I have been busy catching up on some UFO's (unfinished objects to those not in the knitting-know!)

I finally finished my first garment - my Lady Kina (raveled here) in Robins Egg blue. This was such a good project to start my 'big knitting' career with and after the arms were completed, it just flew off the needles.

I was also asked to make a beanie for Meri's granddaughter, similar to one that didn't fit anymore.

I had so much fun making this I decided to make another one which I finished today!

I'm slowly working through my stash which was supplemented by my trip to Cobar a few months ago and my regular visits to Evoke in Lismore. Here are some cool before and after photos I found today.

Before Jellywares

I don't think my Nan could have imagined her dressing table being used in this way! What objects have you re-purposed around the house?
Justine xox

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Hardest Day

As you already know from the last time we spoke, Roxy and Jessie were having some difficulties. Even after our visit from Sarah (Paw Power) things were not looking good. Something had changed in Jessie and we were racking our brains for solutions to our problems. Sarah had even enlisted the help of another dog therapist in Victoria to help heal our little family.
Tuesday 24th May started like any other day - at least since the fighting had started. We got each dog up and harnessed then went for our morning walk. I as always was tense as we walked, but loved seeing the smile on both the girls faces. We got home and feed the girls in their separate areas making sure to lock/close gates and doors. JR went to work then I started getting ready. Just as I was leaving I saw Jessie in with Roxy. They were fine - no fighting - but Jessie was trying to get through the fence and into next door (Jessie had taken to breaking the bottom of fence palings to get into things - another cause of stress for JR & I). I called out to Jessie and that's when it happened - she attacked Roxy again.
I somehow managed to get them separated and locked Jessie in the bathroom so I could deal with Roxy's injuries. She was having trouble walking and was bleeding from the mouth again. Poor Roxy didn't want a bar of me so running on adrenaline I found my phone and rang school (no way I was coming in covered in dust, blood and scratches) then rang JR. I managed to 'catch' Roxy while JR hurried home and we got her to the vet quickly.
Luckily there wasn't as much damage done this time. One puncture wound had reopened under Roxy's chin and she was having trouble walking due to a puncture wound under her front leg. Luckily all that was needed for Roxy was a course of antibiotics this time.

The vet looked after Roxy for the day so we could deal with Jessie. We knew we had no real choice anymore. If we could not guarantee the safety of either dog even when we were home one would have to go. We couldn't keep Jessie in the yard and as much as she was aggressive towards Roxy, she would cry and try to escape when Roxy wasn't around. We also knew that we couldn't trust Moo around children, so even as our hearts broke we made the decision to re-home Jessie. I spent 3 hours on the phone trying to find somewhere for Jessie to go. She couldn't go to a carer with other dogs because of the aggression which made it hard. Most shelters and animal rescue organisations are stretched to the limit at the best of times and Jessie was placed on a waiting list to go in for assessment one day - no one could tell me an approximate time frame.
We didn't have weeks where we could wait. No one I spoke to was overly positive about the chances of Jessie finding a new home. JR & I had the hardest conversation ever and decided if the most likely outcome was Jessie being put to sleep, we as her parents would make the decision, not some stranger. I was not putting my baby girl through more anxiety and pain.  I spoke to Sarah then a lady in charge of assessing aggressive dogs at an animal shelter. In the end they both advised that due to Jessie's change in behaviour there was little chance she would pass the assessment to be re-homed, so we made the phone call to the vet. An appointment was made for later that afternoon. JR & I spent the hardest three hours with Jessie, holding her, patting her and crying so hard we made ourselves sick.
As we drove into town Jessie had her head out the window enjoying the breeze on her face, loving every moment. For her last car journey she was happy and didn't vomit - thank God for small mercies.
We were counselled again by the staff at the vets, but we had made the hard decision. Jessie was loving and affectionate right up until she took her last breath. We had some time to grieve with her before we took our other girl home. Jessie was cremated and returned to us a week later. We are so thankful that this service exists; it made the process a little easier to handle.
Roxy thankfully hasn't shown signs of loneliness or taken on any destructive behaviour. She seems to know she has to put up with more cuddles and pats now.  

It is with much grief and a heavy heart that we have to inform our friends and family that Jessie went to heaven yesterday. You were loved greatly and will be missed dearly. Sleep peacefully little Moo...there will always be a place in our hearts for your cuddles. (Facebook post 25/5/11)

Time is a great healer. While we miss Jessie so much we are grateful for all the wonderful times we had with her. We couldn't go on the way we were and I realise now how much the stress was affecting all of us.
Justine xox

Thursday 19 May 2011

The end is in sight ... at least for Roxy!

Two weeks ago Roxy and Jessie had three horrible fights over three days. We're still not sure what caused them to snap after all this time. The immediate result was Roxy had to be sedated to get some puncture wounds stitched up. The vet also placed a drain in the wound and poor Roxy has had to wear a collar for the past fortnight. Jessie also ended up on antibiotics from an infected puncture wound in her mouth.

The ongoing problem is that I'm scared its going to happen again.

We haven't let Roxy & Jessie be alone together and they have been in separate areas day and night. In half an hour Roxy's stitches will be out and the collar off (hopefully - it's hard to cuddle her with it on and she really wants to scratch her ears!).

I think they miss being around each other and are starting to forget why their parents are being so protective of them both. I'm sure they don't stare at each other through the fence ALL day!
In a couple of hours we'll get to see how you are going to behave around each other. Hopefully Sarah from Paw Power can train JR & I to be better parents to you both so this doesn't happen again... and so you can both live on the same side of the fence again.

Please keep your fingers and paws crossed for us.
Justine xox

Update: Unfortunately things haven't settled down yet - we've still got a few things to try - hopefully time will be the great healer for our family - fingers crossed :)

Monday 16 May 2011

My first Mystery Crochet-A-Long

Here is the product of my first ever mystery crochet-a-long. This cute little bag was easy to make and assemble. I used a bamboo/cotton blend from spotlight as I wasn't sure I'd like the end result.

The instructions can be found here.

Justine xox

Sunday 15 May 2011

A quick Road Trip and a Surprise Party

After spending most of the school holidays in the rain I headed off on a road trip to visit a very special friend for her birthday. It was so nice to see the blue sky 'beyond the line'.
I also realised it has been months since I had a good 'snitty'!!!!

As I travelled back along the road I have travelled so many times, I delighted in the sights and objects that make western NSW so unique...
Where does steel wool come from?

Some bright yellow amongst the autumn hues

...and fields that go on forever!

It felt like I was returning home ... after all I've only been gone for 5 months!!!

On Saturday afternoon (while hiding my presence in town) had the chance to catch up with Jodie from Jellywares and stock up on wool for my stash (I'll post photos soon!). Kylie also stopped by and added inspiration to my afternoon.

It was great to catch up with every one at Jo's surprise party although I nearly lost my voice from talking so much! Thanks Jimmy for inviting me!

I also finally had the chance to meet Sarah and Paul's bundle of joy ... I'm so glad I finally got to have cuddles with Sophia. You are truly inspirational - just give Mum a break every now and then OK?!

After catching up with nearly everyone it was time to travel home. Thanks for a great weekend Cobar...

I love driving through NSW in Autumn - the colours are amazing.

Justine xox

Wednesday 20 April 2011

A New Beanie for Autumn

Last week I finished my version of Molly by Alana Dakos. I used a beautiful Baby Alpaca and silk blend which worked up beautifully - I love the stripes. The beanie is so soft and warm ...perfect for this time of year. 

Justine xox

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Thursday 7 April 2011

Nearly Holiday Time

With less than 9 hours until we're on holidays I thought I'd share our Easter project for JR's Year 1/2 class. I found this little kit at Spotlight last week.

We had originally thought the class could put them together for the Easter Bunny to fill today but after a trial run we decided it was best if we made them.

Each bunny has a cute little tail and its own matching handle. I wonder what the Easter Bunny will bring today?

I love how moo (in the background) has already worked out what these cute easter baskets are for ... I somehow caught her licking her lips in this photo!

Enjoy your Friday

Justine xox

Saturday 26 March 2011

Eggcellent Easter Projects

What a busy week - it felt like I spent more time at work than at home! To keep my creative sanity I decided to start making these cute little Easter eggs.

I found these cute little egg cups at Lazy Monkey in the Star Court Arcade Lismore yesterday and I knew they would be perfect for my egg display! 
As you can see I have made a few eggs this week! I used two patterns for these eggs The plain egg pattern can be found here and the patterned egg here.

I also started making these adorable egg cozies.

What have you made this week?

Justine xox

Saturday 19 March 2011

A Rainy Weeked

A rainy and quiet weekend ....finally time to design my blog! I decided to finally start a long awaited project  while DH was sitting watching the football!
This week both dogs escaped from the front gate - Moo just because I hadn't said hello to her  yet & Roxy because I trusted her to stay in the front yard with me - big mistake. She had fun being chased by both of us and we must have looked a sight chasing her around the estate! Roxy came home with big smiles and cranky parents!
In my creative space this week has been a big week of finishing projects. I finally finished my circle-y granny square blanket that I started in Cobar last year. The layout was created organically as I went along (and dependent on the wool I had at the time!!!) and the Circle-y Granny was courtesy of Jodie at Jellywares in Cobar.
I also finished this beautiful ruffled scarf I found in the last issue of the Creative Knitting newsletter. Click here for a link to the pattern. I used Rowan by Amy Butler organic wool/cotton blend in Robins egg to complete this project. I even had a chance to wear it as the weather turned a little cold on the way to the markets today!

This week I even had a few moments to celebrate my Irish heritage by planting sweet peas on St Pat's Day and whipping up these cute little shamrocks.
Click here for a link to the pattern. 

Until next time stay safe and happy crafting!
Justine xox