Sunday 10 July 2011

Catch up...

Over the last month or so I have been busy catching up on some UFO's (unfinished objects to those not in the knitting-know!)

I finally finished my first garment - my Lady Kina (raveled here) in Robins Egg blue. This was such a good project to start my 'big knitting' career with and after the arms were completed, it just flew off the needles.

I was also asked to make a beanie for Meri's granddaughter, similar to one that didn't fit anymore.

I had so much fun making this I decided to make another one which I finished today!

I'm slowly working through my stash which was supplemented by my trip to Cobar a few months ago and my regular visits to Evoke in Lismore. Here are some cool before and after photos I found today.

Before Jellywares

I don't think my Nan could have imagined her dressing table being used in this way! What objects have you re-purposed around the house?
Justine xox

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